Versions Compared


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Tags can be found, created, or used in several parts of the platform: the Student Profile Overview tab; and within search options in Advanced Search and Standard Reports.


Advanced Search and Reports. You can select one or more tags as a search filter to help you narrow down your results in the Student Information drawer.


Student Profile. Tags are found on the Overview Tab of the Student Profile below the Categories section.

Adding Tags to Students

There are several ways to add tags to students:  directly  directly from the Student Profile, a mass tag via student ID, or via the Actions menu. The character limit for a Tag is 32 characters. Because some tools in the platform display all tags in the platform, use a standard naming convention for your tags that clearly explains the purpose of the tag (such as Stop Out - Spring 2023, Early Alert Pilot Fall 2022).


  • Add existing tags to the student OR create new ones (if the permission has been enabled) by typing directly into the search bar.

  •  Click Save Tags to add the tags to the student's profile. 

Option 2. Mass Tag via Student ID

While adding tags via the student profile is manageable for a limited group of students, it is time-consuming to use this method to tag large numbers of students. Instead, use the Mass Tagging feature.


  • Click on existing tags to add them to the Tags free text field or type directly into the field to add a new tag. Make sure that if you choose to type into the field, you separate each tag with a comma.

  • Enter Student IDs. Make sure that you start a new paragraph between each ID so that each entry is on a separate line


  • Click Add Tags

Option 3. Tag from the Actions Menu

Bulldog Connect has several features that allow you to identify specific student populations, whether via the Advanced Search or Reporting, is often you can add tags to student groups after you have identified them.


  • Choose the boxes next to the students you want to tag, open the Actions menu, and select Tag.


Deleting Tags from Bulldog Connect

To Mass Delete tags (more than one) please submit a Bulldog Connect ticket with an excel sheet that includes student IDs and the tag(s) that need to be removed.
