Student Role

Student Role

Before you begin

It's best to know what kind of appointment you're looking to set up before diving in. It's also important to know if your advising department, advisor, special programs, tutor, etc., use Bulldog Connect for scheduling appointments. Students can interact with Bulldog Connect by scheduling appointments, requesting appointments, and reaching out to advisors and instructors.

Note. Not all departments or advisors use Bulldog Connect. Verify with your advisor on how they handle appointment requests.

Log onto Bulldog Connect

Log onto Bulldog Connect - Sign in from the http://my.fresnostate.edu and click on the Bulldog Connect icon under campus systems

Bulldog Connect is under Campus Systems

EAB Navigate Terms of Service Agreement

Users must agree to the EAB Terms of Service Agreement before they can use Bulldog Connect. You should see a window appear so that you can agree and use Bulldog Connect.




Student Homepage

Courses Tab

On the main Courses tab, the Courses table shares information about courses the student is or has taken like the class name, professor, days/times, midterm grade, and final grade (as reported through your student information system). To see previous courses, the student uses the Term filter.

By selecting one or more of the classes, the Actions drop-down menu allows the student to contact their professor through an email message on the platform. We do not use the Bulldog Connect Assignments feature.

On the left side of the home page, Upcoming Appointments allow the student to cancel the appointment.


Success Team

The Success Team is found in the bottom right of the Student Home. Students can use this feature to quickly find and contact their advisors and other student support staff. Students only see information for staff who are assigned to them in PeopleSoft for the current term; assigned support staff may include advisors, peer mentors, tutors, professors, and other custom relationship types. If a student has multiple assigned advisors, all are displayed in the Your Success Team panel. The relationship between student and staff is listed under the staff member's name.

The envelope icon will open the Send a Message dialog for that specific individual, prompting the student to email the assigned staff member.


Send a Message

The envelope icon will open the Send a Message dialog for that specific individual, prompting the student to email the assigned staff member.

Major College Advising Centers

Current students will only be able to schedule or request an appointment from your declared major. If you wish to declare/explore a minor or change a major please contact the advising center to make the appointment. Returning students will need to contact the department directly to make an appointment.

          *Appointment request only

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