Student Search

Student Search

Quick Search

  • The search bar at the top allows you to search for students.

  • Verify that the term is correct and enter the student’s name, email, or student ID# in the search field.

  • A drop-down menu will appear and you can click on the student’s name.

Searching by student ID#
Searching by Fresno State email address

Advanced Search

Important. Advanced Search is not meant to be a historical search.

Advanced Search lets you create unique cohorts of students based on the layering of search parameters. The search results are used as the foundation for building appointment campaigns or tracking student progress. Queries pull lists of current students that fit the search parameters. Information in the results reflects current student data.

Changing the term does not impact the results of the Advanced Search, except in the case of Classification and Category. The basic search functionality allows you to search by Keywords or User Type. The additional filter drawers allow you to create more nuanced searches.

Note. 300 is the maximum number of IDs you can paste into the Advanced Search that will work consistently and regularly.

Getting Oriented

Each filter drawer has a collection of filters. They can be used alone or in conjunction with other filters - both within and across drawers - to build your customized search. Some filter fields need you to enter text; others provide options in a menu.

There are two more options at the bottom of the search page to further restrict your search.

  • My Students Only limits the possible results to only your assigned students. Advisor assignments can be direct, one-to-one assignments, or indirect major or category assignments. Tutors most commonly have direct, one-to-one student assignments. Students are assigned to professors based on their course rosters.

  • Include Inactive will expand the possible results to both active and inactive students. By default, the search results only display users who are active in the currently selected term. Checking this box includes students from past terms as well.

Filter Drawers Overview

Student Information 

Use this group of filters to search for students by personal identifying information, such as name, student ID, category, tag, or transfer status.

Enrollment History

Create logic statements to search for students by their enrollment status in a variety of terms.

Area of Study


Combine elements of this drawer to search for students based on areas of study, including college affiliation, degree, concentration, or major.

Term Data

Select conditions within this group of filters to run a search for students using information associated with a specific term.

Performance Data 

Search using these filters to segment student groups by GPA, credits earned, and hours attempted.

Course Data

Use this group of filters to query students based on courses, section, and status.  Only courses with associated sections for the term will be available for selection within this filter.

Assigned To 

Enter information into fields in this bucket to pull lists of students assigned to specific team members. Note that users that have the User Type or who have had a relationship in the past WILL NOT appear if they don’t currently have that relationship with a student. For example, an advisor who has no students assigned to them will not appear. This is also the drawer that allows users to search for students WITHOUT a certain relationship type, e.g. students without advisors

Success Indicators

Run a search using these filters to identify students based on predicted support level or success marker completion status.

Advanced Search uses different logic statements to build queries. Most search filters create AND statements. As you build a search, the query identifies students that satisfy all the listed requirements.

Example. A search for Major: Biology AND Classification: Junior AND Predicted Support Level: Moderate pulls a list of Junior biology majors with a Moderate predicted support level.

There are some filters that create OR statements. OR statements let you make multiple selections in a given field to increase the scope of your search. These search fields are indicated by the presence of an In Any of these identifiers in the title.

Filters that allow you to make OR statements include:

  • Category

  • Tag

  • Enrollment Term

  • College/School

  • Major

  • Degree

  • Classification

Example. Major: Biology OR Chemistry AND Classification: Junior OR Sophomore AND Predicted Support Level: Moderate OR Low. This search pulls a list of Junior or Sophomore students that are in either Biology or Chemistry with either Moderate or Low support levels.

You can also create logic statements within a given field. These filters are identified via a plus sign icon, which expands the field when selected.

While Any statements allow for the creation of more inclusive searches, selections made in In All of these or in In None of these fields limit the scope of a search.

Note. While Advanced Search does not display historical data for students in the resulting list, you can create parameters based on historical conditions.

The following drawers contain filters that allow you to query based on data defined on a term-by-term basis:

  • Enrollment History

  • Term Data

  • Course Data

Example. Term: Fall Semester 2016 AND Classification: Sophomore. This search pulls a list of current students who were sophomores in Fall 2016. The resulting data on those students will also be reflective of their current term information, not information specific to Fall 2016.

Once you have selected the search fields, click Search. The results display the current information for the students that fit the parameters of your search, which are displayed across the top.

Actions from Advanced Search

Once you have selected the search fields, click Search. The results display the current information for the students that fit the parameters of your search, which are displayed across the top.

From here, you can take action.

  • Perform a task via the Actions menu with one, several, or all the students on this list, such as:

  • Create a Saved Search by clicking the Save button next to the Unsaved Student Search title. You can also access previous saved searches from this page.

  • Modify the search. If you want to add to the original parameters selected, you can select Modify Search to return to the filter drawer view. You can also remove an existing parameter by clicking on the X icon to the right of each selection.

Reminder. If you decide to perform this action on only certain students from the list, you are limited to selecting from those students within the results page you are currently viewing, up to the maximum of 100.

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