Student Profile

Student Profile

The top gray box, known as the 30-Second Overview, offers faculty and staff the opportunity to gather a basic understanding or “gut check” on the student’s academic performance to date.

The data includes course performance (number of Ds and Fs, number of repeated courses, and number of withdrawn courses), number of success marker notifications, GPA, and credit performance (number of credits earned, percentage of credits completed vs. attempted). Note that when you click on a number in the 30-Second Overview, only the first ten examples will appear.

The 30-Second Overview is intended to surface critical details regarding the student’s performance, but the full details related to each datapoint are available in other Student Profile tabs, such as Success Markers on the Success Progress tab.

Basic information such as the student’s IDs, classification year, most recent enrollment, and declared major are also listed on the Overview tab. 

The Categories section includes a list of all categories associated with the student, depending on the institution’s available data. Categories are used to further understand the student’s attributes and potential needs and often include academic as well as non-academic information.

The Tags section includes any information that has been manually tagged to the student’s Bulldog Connect profile. Tags can help provide additional information about students that is not typically stored in PeopleSoft.

On the right side of the Student Profile, staff and faculty can find additional general information about the student (such as their age and contact information) and take action within the platform.

Current Referrals

To view and manage Cases on the student profile, navigate to the student profile. On the right side of the profile, the total number of staff Referrals for that student is listed at the top right. This count includes all Referrals, Cases, and Progress Reports issued for the student. Based on your institution’s configurations, this count may include all issued Referrals in the platform, or it may only include Referrals issued in the current term. Contact your Application Administrator if you have questions about your institution’s configuration for this count.

Important. Because the total count includes all Referrals, Cases, and Progress Reports, you may find duplicate information.

For example, if one Progress Report issues one Referral, which in turn opens a Case, the total count is three to include each of those actions, even though they all originated from the same Progress Report. Be mindful of what the total count means when using that information to inform student interactions or follow-up.

To view additional information about the Open Cases, either click directly on the “1 Open Case” hyperlink from the total count or navigate to the “History” or “Reports/Notes” tab of the student profile. Whether you can access the History or Reports/Notes tab will depend on your institution’s configurations. To learn more about this tab, check out this article.

On this tab, you can view all open and closed cases for the student, either in the Cases section or within the History feed. Please see the screenshots below.

Active Appointment Campaigns and Links

Active Appointment Campaigns: All active scheduled appointment campaigns show here.

Links: Bulldog Connect has embedded custom links to other sites or systems directly onto the Student Profile. This feature can be quite helpful for staff who might need to reference an additional site when working with students, such as a Degree Audit tool.


Frequently Asked Questions

Staff and faculty can click the carrot icon for a course performance metric to see additional information about the specific data point (for example a list of which courses the student repeated). A complete unofficial transcript is outlined on the Class Info tab in the Term Details section. Information about the student’s credit and GPA trends, and Success Marker progress are shown on the Success Progress tab.

The student’s associated Categories are based on data stored in PeopleSoft and selected to pull into Bulldog Connect as a student category. The Categories section will update as students are assigned or removed from specific Categories.

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