Appointment Summary

Appointment Summary

Appointment Summaries let you document information about a specific student appointment, whether the appointment was scheduled, a drop-in, or the student was a no-show. Access to Appointment Summaries can be limited to your specific Care Unit and is based on your user role permissions.

The appointment summary details section has several short response text boxes and Yes/No/NA questions that may or may not be applicable to the appointment. If these predefined prompts are not applicable or are too generic for the appointment, it is perfectly acceptable to leave them blank.

Warning. Any information you enter into the platform pertaining to a student becomes a part of their official student record and may be subpoenaed by that student, as outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Creating Appointment Summary Reports

Create Appointment Summary Reports during or after meeting with students. You can add a summary report to an appointment scheduled in advance, create a summary report for a drop-in appointment, mark a student as a no-show, or edit existing summary reports.

Adding Appointment Summary

From the Appointments Tab

With a single row checked (or multiple for group appointments), click on the Actions menu and select the Add Appointment Summary option.

A new overlay window will open with most appointment details pre-filled and space to include appointment summary information. Once the report is filled out and ready to be submitted, click on the Save Report button at the bottom of the overlay.

For Scheduled Appointments 

To add an Appointment Summary for a past scheduled appointment, open the Staff Home and click on the Appointments tab. Find your Recent Appointments table. Select a student and choose Add Appointment Summary from the Actions menu. You can also access this section from the Staff Home Appointments tab.

Note. Always create Appointment Summary Reports from the scheduled appointment itself, rather than ad-hoc, to ensure the Appointment Summary Report is tied to that specific appointment.

Appointments that are considered completed will show with a Report Filed status in green, indicating that either the appointment has Report Details associated or the appointment was a No-Show. If an appointment has no report, the Report Filed field will show as Not Yet.

Warning. Any appointments that are in the past 90 days will be shown in the Recent Appointments tab under the Reporting section.

For any recent appointment without a report already filed, staff can select the appropriate checkbox on the appointment row and use the actions menu to complete certain tasks.

Appointments Queues Tab

You can add an appointment summary report to an appointment in progress from the Staff Home Appointment Queues tab. The Students Checked in for Appointments table lets you select a student who has arrived for their scheduled appointment and choose Start Appointment from the Actions menu. This opens an Appointment Summary Report. If you wish to view other information on the platform while the appointment progresses, minimize the dialog and return later.

For Drop-In Appointments

There are several different ways to create an ad-hoc Appointment Summary Report for drop-in appointments. Create Appointment Summary is an option in the Actions menu throughout Bulldog Connect. The easiest way to create an ad-hoc Appointment Summary Report for a drop-in appointment is from Staff Home or a student profile. Find the specific student in your My Assigned Students table, or open the dropdown menu to find the student from one of your saved lists. From this section, you can select a student and select Create Appointment Summary from the Actions menu. This creates an Appointment Summary Report and this will add the appointment to your calendar in the past.

You can also add a summary report to a drop-in student appointment from the Staff Home Appointment Queues tab. The Students Checked In For Drop-Ins With Me table lets you select a student who has dropped into your specific queue and select Start Appointment from the Actions menu.

This opens an Appointment Summary Report. If you want to view other information on the platform while the appointment progresses, minimize the dialog and return later.





From the Student Profile page

You can also create an ad-hoc Appointment Summary Report from a Student Profile. Open the Student Profile. Select Report on Appointment from the panel on the right. This creates an Appointment Summary Report and adds that appointment to your calendar in the past.

Creating an ad-hoc Appointment Summary Report helps our system keep track of all appointments happening with students, regardless of whether they were scheduled or drop-ins. If you sync your professional calendar to Bulldog Connect, this appointment created in the past will also sync to that calendar.

For No-Show Appointments  

The primary way to mark a student as a no-show for a scheduled appointment is from the Staff Home Students tab. Find your Recent Appointments table. Select the student and choose Mark No-Show from the Actions menu.

Marking a student as a no-show still adds an Appointment Summary Report. The only difference is that the box next to the student’s name called Attended is not checked.


Anatomy of an Appointment Summary Report

Appointment Summary Reports should only include information related to that specific appointment.

  • Appointment:  Gives the date, time, and scheduled service for the appointment.

  • Appointment Campaign:  If the appointment was scheduled through an Appointment Campaign, then the name of the campaign is selected. If the Location and Service of the appointment correspo