The Appointment Center has a calendar interface where available times for appointments are shown as white blocks and unavailable times as grey blocks.
Drop-In Appointments
Staff workers often need to view today’s appointments. In the 'Drop-In Appointments' screen, users can view all of the drop-ins for the current day and take action from the list. You can find this screen by clicking the drop-down above the filters at the top part of the screen.
Actions that can be taken from any queue include:
Send Message to Attendee (Student)
Move to Top (of queue)
Remove (from queue)
Scheduled Appointments
With the 'Scheduled Appointment List' tab in Appointment Center, users can view all of the appointments for the current day and take action from the list.
Actions that can take users on appointments include:
Send Message to Attendee (Student)
Send Message to Organizer(s)
View Appointment Details
Check In
Check Out
Mark No-Show
Cancel Appointments
When choosing multiple appointments, actions are limited to sending messages and canceling appointments. This gives users the ability to cancel all appointments for a given day in a particular location.
Users also have the ability to select any date and see appointments on the selected day.