Beneath the metrics is a table with two tabs. The first tab, Students Enrolled in Term
shows the number of students from the Enrollment Campaign who are now enrolled in the term. The second tab, Students Not Enrolled in Term
shows the students who are not yet enrolled in the term. Either list may be exported as a CSV file from the Options sidebar.
Updates to Email and Enrollment Campaigns
Users can remove students from campaigns. You do this by editing an active campaign, going to the recipients' page, selecting the students you want to remove, and selecting Remove Selected Students
from the Actions menu.
Edit an existing campaign. At the bottom of the Verify Recipient page is an Add More Students
Clicking this button opens the Advanced Search that lets you add more students. Once you have added new students, a page to add a special nudge immediately to newly added students. Other nudges that haven't been sent will be sent to those students as well. Email metrics, if enabled, will be populated for the message that is sent to new students.
Note.The click-to-open rate is tracked by a very small 1-pixel image in the email.