Appointment Request Tab

Appointment Request Tab

The Appointment Requests tab lists all student appointment requests. You can take action on those requests from the table. The table shows the date and time of the request, the student name, the service requested, the course (if applicable), and the preferred location.

You can sort requests by Care Unit or by Location. This helps you if you provide multiple services in different locations.

Appointment Request tab

Important. Old requests from previous terms show up on the Appointment Requests tab. Delete them to see only requests from the current term.

Listed below are the actions you can take on appointment requests using the Actions menu.

Match Request: Selecting this action opens the Schedule an Appointment screen. You can select a specific day and time to meet with the student. Read the student's Requested Meeting Time message before creating the appointment.
Send Message: Sends a message to the student who made the request.
Delete Request: Deletes the request and does not create an appointment.

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