Record Class Attendance

Record Class Attendance

  • On the right side, click on Record My Class Attendance and change the term.

  • Mark students as Present, Absent, or Tardy.

    • If you mark students as either Absent or Tardy, you can also select the Excused radio button.

    • If you mark the absence/lateness excused at the same time, the student receives no communication re: the absence.

    • If you mark a student Absent or Tardy but either do not mark it excused OR mark it excused later, the student receives an email about the absence but does not receive communication later about the absence is excused.

  • After completing the grid for that course at that time, select the Save Attendance button. Go back and edit or update absences at any time.

Course Attendance view
  • The Pattern column shows the pattern of attendance for this student for up to the last 5 recorded attendances for this class. You also can mark only the students who are Absent or Tardy and then use the option below the grid to mark the remaining students present.

  • You can view the Attendance Tracker on the grid which displays the total absences recorded this term compared to excused absences (in parenthesis).


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