Managing an Appointment

Managing an Appointment

The Appointment Center allows staff to assist students who need to check-in for an appointment, drop in to see an advisor/tutor, schedule a future appointment, or cancel an appointment. Staff can monitor activity within the Appointment Center and receive notifications when students are checked in.

Check-In Appointments

When a student arrives for their appointment, you can swipe their ID card, key in their ID number, or email address, and check them in for their appointment. This will notify the appropriate advisor that the student has arrived.


Edit = Change location, service, course, meeting type, attendee, or organizer

Move = Reschedule the appointment

Cancel = Ability to cancel the appointment

Message Organizer = Send an email to the staff member

Edit Appointment

Staff, advisors, tutors, and others who hold appointments can manually schedule student appointments.


Move Appointment

If an appointment needs to move from one staff person to another or from one day/time to another, the Appointment Center makes this change fairly simple.

First, find the appointment to move, then hover over the event to display the popup information. From this overlay, click on the Move link:

The system then prompts you to click on the new slot for the new staff/day/time for the appointment. Hover over the new slot and click to move:


Cancel Appointment

  • You can cancel the entire appointment or just for one attendee (this option would be for group advising).

  • Pick a reason why the appointment is being canceled.

  • Comments are seen by the staff and student(s).


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