Progress Reports

Progress Reports

Responding to Progress Report Requests

Progress Reports are course-based feedback provided by instructors that aim to shed light on individual students' academic and/or behavioral performance during the term. The Professor will receive an email requesting feedback on their course(s) at that time of the semester. The email has a link to the Progress Report Feedback form. If the Professor teaches multiple courses and/or sections, these all appear on one page through the email link.

An example of the Progress Report is shown below. Upon confirming that they would receive a progress report, Professor will receive an email with a link that will take them to the progress reporting page.

Once you click a Progress Reports link, you need to fill out the following fields for your students.

At-Risk to Fail Your Class?

Use this field to indicate if this student is currently at-risk to fail your class.


Outreach Reason

Select a reason you are issuing the referral. This is required if the student is at-risk and optional otherwise.

How Many Absences?

The number of absences this student has accumulated by the date of the Progress Report.

Current Grade

The grade the student has earned in this course.


Enter a narrative regarding how this student is progressing in the course.  As with any narrative comment, the more complete the better.

  • Once you have filled out these fields, click EITHER Submit only marked students (but I'm not done) button if you need to return to fill out more progress reports later

  • OR click Submit unmarked students as not At-Risk (I'm all done) button.

This option gives you the option to only manually mark students who are at risk and automatically mark everyone else not at risk when you click this button. Submit unmarked students as not At-Risk (I'm all done) is also the button you select when you are done filling out Progress Reports, even if you have marked every student individually.

Different Types of Early Referrals

Any student who may be in need of academic, basic needs, or personal support would be a good candidate for a referral. Referral reasons may include:

  • [Alert] Academic Difficulty

    • Excessive class absences or tardiness

    • Lack of participation or preparation

    • Low exam, test, quiz, and/or assignment scores

    • Missing assignments and/or exams

    • A decline in academic performance

  • [High Five] Great Work

    • This is a positive reinforcement reason that does not open a case. Just sends an encouraging email to the student.

  • Other referrals - These referrals are outside of Bulldog Connect

    • Basic Needs and counseling should be referred to the CARE Team

      • Food insecurities

      • Financial concerns

      • Health concerns

      • Housing insecurities

    • Any behavioral issue should be referred to the Student Conduct office.

      • Intimidation or Threat to Safety

      • A student is disruptive in the classroom

      • Student Conduct/Inappropriate behavior outside of the classroom

      • Discrimination, Harassment, or Sexual Harassment

For more information please view the Concern and Action guide.

If an EMERGENCY, DIAL 911 or contact the University Police Dispatch at 559.278.8400

Student Conduct. If student is exhibiting behavioral issues that may violate student codes of conduct, please refer to the Fresno State Student Conduct office.

CARE Team referral form. Use this form to contact the CARE Team regarding students who are experiencing crisis, displaying odd or unusual behaviors, or engaging in other behaviors that may be perceived as being harmful to themselves and/or others.

Action after an Early Referral is submitted

Once a referral is generated, Bulldog Connect sends an email to the student encouraging them to attend office hours, tutoring, and/or seek out support services. The student will NOT see the referral reason [Alert] Academic Difficulty.

A case is then automatically sent to the student’s assigned special programs advisor or an academic success coach. Then begins outreach to the student in order to help the student determine appropriate resources, support services, and/or possible resolutions. The students will receive an email and/or phone call from a staff member regarding their referral asking them to set up a meeting to discuss the student’s future success.

Closing the loop

Faculty will be able to see some information on the Professor Home page on Bulldog Connect under My Issued Referrals. Once a case is closed the Faculty member that referred the student would receive an automated email letting them know.

To maintain student confidentiality, you might not be informed of what was discussed during the advising meeting or which office/department, if applicable, the student was referred to.


Frequently Asked Questions

Progress reports campaigns are initiated if a faculty member opts into the Early Alert pilot program. Progress Reports campaigns are meant to be a proactive method to get feedback about students. Faculty-initiated progress reports may be issued at any time by any faculty member.

Ad hoc progress reports are a way to draw attention to a student(s) who may potentially be at-risk or have an issue in a particular area. All progress reports are handled in the same process.

Yes - campaigns typically run twice a semester fourth week and the eighth week of class. Sending the referral as soon as possible is extremely helpful. Having said that, it is always a good time to create a referral for a student that may need help. If you would like to create a referral, but the campaign has ended, please follow the instructions for creating a Coordinated Referral for a student or create your own progress report for your class.

The student will receive an auto-generated email from Bulldog Connect which encourages them to attend faculty office hours, tutoring, and/or seek out support services.

They will NOT see the referral reason or any notes.

Faculty and staff are encouraged to notify the student about the referral. From our experience, the student is more open to accepting assistance if the faculty or staff has prepared them for the contact and the reason for the concern.

After the referral has been made, students receive an email and/or phone call from a staff member regarding their referral asking them to set up a meeting to discuss the student’s future success.

Yes. If a student continues to demonstrate a need for academic, basic needs, or personal support, faculty and staff are encouraged to refer students again.


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