Knowledge Check

Knowledge Check

The Knowledge Check below should help reflect on where to expand your wisdom of Bulldog Connect.

Click here or use the QR code to take the Knowledge Check.

“I know…”

Your Score

how to search for students


how to sync Google calendar to Bulldog Connect


how to switch from the Staff to the Professor (or Student) homepage


how to view a student’s current class schedule and weekly class schedule


how to refer a student to support services using Bulldog Connect


how to set up Kiosk


how to check in a student from the Appointment Center


how to report on a student appointment


how and why to add a note on a student


how to send a message to a student and where to find a history of these messages


how to add availability and PAL


how to schedule student appointments in Bulldog Connect


how to conduct an Advanced Search


how to upload or create a Student List


the difference between a Student List and a Saved Search


how to pull reports and schedule a report


where to view a students Success Markers


how to assign a case to user as Case Owner or Assignee


how to set up an appointment and email campaign


how to add comments to a case and close a case


where to access the Bulldog Connect Guide


If your score is 0-53: Connect with the Student Success Analyst to schedule a training session.

If your score is 54-89: Review the Bulldog Connect guide for targeted instruction.

If your score is 90-100: You’re a rock star!

Total Score



out of 100

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