Record Visit (Kiosk)

Record Visit (Kiosk)

This option is best used for simply tracking a student’s attendance for a particular reason. This option does not require students to checkout; rather, it simply tracks that the student was at this location for a particular reason. For instance, if the department wanted to track the number of visits for Computer Use, this would be a good option. It won’t track how long the student was there for Computer Use, rather just that they were there. Note: Bulldog Connect offers an option to track time. This option is for services that are used to track a student’s time (both check-in and check-out) and a student would need to check in and out of the location.

  • Additional Modes - click on the bottom right corner Appointment Center

  • Navigate Staff Areas - click on the waffle icon Appointment Center

  • A new window will appear you will choose your location and the appropriate term for the Kiosk regardless of the date.

  • Select the reason you want to record.

  • The student can swipe their ID card or enter their ID number.

  • If the student does not click the Okay, got it! button, the Kiosk still resets automatically for the next service.

Multiple Services reason (no audio)
Single Service reason (no audio)


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