Events Page

Events Page

new feature

Bulldog Connect has added a very similar feature to campaign types, Events. Events allow staff to reach out to specific student populations to encourage them to sign up for events.

Launching an Event

To begin, open the Campaigns & Events page and select Add New from the Events section.

Campaigns & Events Page

Events can also be added from My Calendar if the user has permissions to create their own events.

My Calendar

Define the Event

The Create Event page opens. The fields that must be filled out are listed and defined below. Events must be at least one day in the future.

Create Event

Internal Event Title. The Internal Event Title is visible to the person creating the event and any other users who have access to view events, but not visible to the student. Make sure that you adhere to your institution’s naming policy, otherwise other users will not be able to evaluate the impact of your events.

Note. Start event names with the most important info so it's easy to identify the purpose and to avoid title duplication.

Care Unit. Events are tied to Care Units.

Capacity. The maximum number of attendees, both invitees and guests.

Maximum Number of Guests per Attendees. If guests are included with an invitation, the maximum number of guests the invitee can add when responding.

Make Invitation Required? If this box is checked, then only students directly invited through the event structure would be able to RSVP for the event and attend.

Display Name. The event name invitees see in the invitation message for the event. Field is required.

Event Date. Date of the event. This must be at least one day in the future. Field is required.

Event Start Time. Time the event starts. Field is required.

Event End Time. Time the event ends. Field is required.

Event Time Zone. Time zone the event takes place in. This will be your institution's time zone by default. Field is required.

Event Location Name. Where the event takes place. This can be a physical or virtual location. Field is required.

Address Line 1 (optional). Address for the event. This field is optional.

Address Line 2 (optional). Address for the event. This field is optional.

City (optional). City the event takes place in. This field is optional.

State (optional). State the event takes place in. This field is optional.

Zip Code (optional). Zip code the event takes place in. This field is optional.

Event Contact Email. A contact email for the event.

Edit Registration Page

The following two fields are part of the Event Registration Window, which is the time period where the registration page is accessible for the event. Messages can be scheduled any time during this window and the invitation message (similar to a welcome message) is sent on the Registration Start Date. Both date fields are required.


Registration Start Date. Date when invitees can begin registering for the event. This can be the same day as the Event creation.

End Date. Date when the registration window closes and invitees can no longer RSVP/register for the event. This must be at least one day in the future.

Edit Registration Page

Next, you create a registration page that displays to students when they click the event registration link. You can apply an Event Landing Page content template here. This step displays a Registration Page Preview and has a customizable registration page URL. One field is required: Event Description. This field is what displays to students when they open the registration page.

Compose Messages

Add Recipients to Event

The next step is creating a V3 report search to add recipients to the event. This can be done immediately or later. However, once an event is published, you cannot remove recipients.

Add Recipients

Set your criteria and then select Run Report. The students appear in Report Results. Select the students you want to add to the event by checking the box in front of their name and then click Add Selected Recipients.


Review the students on the next page. If a student should not be in the campaign, select the box next to their name and choose Remove Selected Recipients.


Once finished setting your list of recipients, click Continue.

Compose Messages

There are three types of messages for an Event: the invitation and reminders to RSVP, RSVP confirmation, and event reminders. Users need to compose at least an invitation and the RSVP confirmation on this page.

Compose Nudges

Click Add Invitation to create your invitation. You can create either an email or SMS invitation. Note that you can only create one message of a single type per day. So for example, you can't have a text and an email message go out the same day, but you can have your invitation email the first day, then a text reminders to RSVP the next day, and so on.

There are no limits on how many reminders to RSVP you can send beyond the number of days in the Event Registration window and the one-message-per-day limit.


When you select the Email type, a page like the one above displays. Enter a subject line and customize the message. For email messages, you can add an attachment to the message. You can see a preview of the message in a panel right of the composition panel. Content Templates can be used when creating these messages for Email or Text.

Fields used in the message composition are:

Subject. The subject of the email going to the student.

Message. The customized email message going to the student. Merge tags are available for this message and are shown beneath the message field. 

Send Date (Only for Reminders). The date the message is sent. This field does not appear when creating the invitation, as the message sends on the first day of the registration window. If you add students later, the send date will be immediately after they are added. For non-Welcome Message nudges, you can send a message on a Specific Date or a Relative Date.

After creating a nudge, click Save Invitation to continue.

For RSVP reminders, you can send the nudge on a specific date or a relative date. 


Sending on a specific date is more useful if you have an event that will not add many (if any) new students. If a student is added after a specific date reminder, they do not receive the reminder.

A relative date may be more helpful if you are using an automated action to add students to the event, or if you will be adding new students to an event regularly. This allows you to send a nudge X number of days after being added to the event based on what you enter in the Send Offset field.


Important. You must have an RSVP confirmation for a student to publish your event. Creating an RSVP confirmation is the same as creating other messages for your event, but the RSVP confirmation allows students to update their RSVP as needed.

After composing all messages for your event, including RSVP reminders and event reminders, which are two separate things (RSVP reminders are for recipients who have not yet RSVP'd to the event; event reminders are for recipients who have RSVP'd yes for an event), select Continue to finish creating your event.

 Registration Page URL

One unique field on this page is the Registration Page URL. This is the URL recipients are sent to when RSVP'ing to the event. Users can select Copy Registration Page URL and paste it into a browser window to preview the page before publishing the event.


Verify & Publish

Review your event on this page before publishing. Event details, recipients, and messages are displayed on this page for a final check before publication, as recipients cannot be removed after publishing the event. Use the View Email button to view the message in different formats.

Verify & Publish

Click Publish Event when you are ready to send the invites to the selected students

Event Check-In

coming soon | march 6th

Staff Workflow

Bulldog Connect has added new features that support students checking in to events created in Bulldog Connect. These notes explain which features are available on Bulldog Connect, as well as the check-in workflow for institutions that do not have any version of the Navigate360 Student app.

First, a new action has been added to the Events table: View QR Code. When selected, a page with a QR code opens along with a direct URL. Expired events will not open this page.


Students can use either the QR code or the URL to check in to an active event from 24 hours before the event until the end of the event. If the event is scheduled from 1:00 - 2:00pm, students can check-in until 1:59pm for that specific event.

The QR code and URL can be copied to be placed in, for example, a presentation that is projected before the event, or the page in Bulldog Connect can be displayed.

Once students check into an event, their RSVP and Attendance is marked as Yes on an individual Event tracking page.

Warning. This feature only permits students to RSVP if they are an active student.

Student Workflow

A student can use the QR code or link to check into an event, and a new browser window opens, allowing them to log into the Bulldog Connect.


Once the student enters their credentials, they are taken to an Event Check-In page that allows them to check in to the event.



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