

The email receiver will receive their own separate email. This is especially important when staff need to send out a sensitive message but don’t want students to see who else received it. Lastly, you can also fill in the Send an Additional E-mail Notification To: field to also send an email to another email address. 

Warning. Any information you enter into Bulldog Connect pertaining to a student becomes part of their official student record. It may be subpoenaed by the student as outlined in the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

View from Student Profile page

One of the actions a user can take from a student profile is to send the student a message.

To get started, click Message Student from the actions menu on the right of the profile.

A window will open with tabs for each option your institution has available to message the student.

You can include the following information in an email.

  • Subject: The subject line for your email message.

  • Message: The body of your email message. There is no character limit for the message, but any hyperlinks must include the full URL (e.g. http://www.google.com, not just google.com). You may add merge tags to the message.

  • Add Attachment: Upload attachments to the email message.

  • Merge Tags: (see below)

  • Send Additional E-Mail Notifications To: This allows you to include additional students or staff you also want the email sent to.

Once done with the message, click Send Message to send.




Important. Sending an email to more than one student blind copies all students. In other words, the student does not know that the message was sent to more than one student.

Merge Tags for Email Messages

Added the ability for a user to add Merge tags when sending an email message. Merge tag fields available when sending emails:


Inserts the first name and last name of the recipient


Inserts the first name and last name of the recipient


Inserts the recipient's first name


Inserts the recipient's last name


Insert your personal availability link


Insert your email signature


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