Front Desk Role

Front Desk Role

Scheduling appointments is a critical piece of Bulldog Connect. Front-desk workers (e.g. often student workers in charge of scheduling appointments on-site at a location and checking other students in at the location) can schedule appointments using the Appointment Center. This guide explains how front-desk workers use the Appointment Center and how to set up the front-desk worker's role to facilitate this.


Basic (Months 1-3)

Intermediate (within year 1)

Advanced (years 2 and beyond)

Role-Based Account (RBA) for Front Desk

Role-based account email addresses are not associated with a particular person but rather with a department or group. They allow locations to bypass single-sign-on (SSO) in Bulldog Connect. These email addresses are not intended for personal use as they typically include a distribution list of multiple recipients (e.g., bulldogconnect@csufresno.edu). Google role-based email(s) are created with IT by submitting a work order on Team Dynamix

For Bulldog Connect, role-based accounts are only recommended for locations with front desk workers who manage appointments and/or record visits. To request a role-based account in Bulldog Connect, please submit a Bulldog Connect support ticket.

RBA emails are always associated with the department or group, which allows ease of transferring an RBA from one student to another or sharing credentials amongst multiple students. A major reason this is recommended is that Front Desk users use RBA because emails sent from Bulldog Connect will show the RBA email address, not the Front Desk user's own Fresno State email. So, if a student replies to the email, it will go to the RBA inbox.

What RBA allow

What RBA does not allow

What RBA allow

What RBA does not allow

Ability to start Appointment Center and Kiosk

No access to student profiles

Ability to schedule/cancel/edit appointments

Track the individual user usage since one RBA can be shared with multiple users

Ability to email a student or staff using RBA email from the Appointment Center


RBA Bulldog Connect Link

Using this link prevents the system from putting in your SSO credentials.

If you log onto the web browser using your own Fresno State credentials, you might not be able to log into the RBA link. This is because the web browser remembers your single-sign-on (SSO) credentials. You will want to use a different web browser and/or profile.

Role-Based Account Login page

Quick Reference Search

e.g. "How to cancel an appointment"

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