Student Profile: Study Hall Tab

Student Profile: Study Hall Tab

Feature Overview

The Study Hall tab provides statistics on that student’s progress toward required weekly Study Hall hours. In addition, staff with the proper permissions can manage Charity Time for that student.

To access the Study Hall tab, click the More tab and select Study Hall.

The Study Hall tab provides three sections of information:

Current Study Hall Status

Displays whether the student is currently checked into Study Hall.

Charity Time

Lets an administrator or staff member control or edit the amount of time a student has accumulated towards their Study Hall requirement. Staff can award a student Charity Time, which decreases the remaining amount of time a student must earn in Study Hall. For example, if a student has two hours of required Study Hall per week, but a staff member awards 30 minutes of charity time, then a student would only be required to earn one hour and 30 minutes of time in a study hall location.

To add charity time, select the Manage Charity Time link. Enter the required information, which includes the date, time (in minutes), a radio button for increase or decrease in required hours, and any comments.

Study Hall Statistics

Shows the total required Study Hall hours per week for the student and the amount of Study Hall time completed Today, This Week, and Last Week. It has a Term dropdown so you can see previous terms' Study Hall Statistics. This section also indicates if a student does not need to complete Study Hall hours in the current term.

More information about Study Hall is in the Study Hall feature article.


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