Staff Role

Staff Role

When opening Bulldog Connect, most users arrive at the Staff Home page. This page allows users to view key tools that enable them to take action on student success-related tasks. Depending on your role configuration within Bulldog Connect, some parts of this feature may not be visible to you. If a user has more than one role, the staff home will default. See the users' settings article to change the default home page.

Quick Reference Search
e.g. "How to set up Availability"

Features and Tabs

The Staff Home page is where most users arrive when opening Bulldog Connect.

Review this article and the other Staff Home articles to learn how these tools are part of your daily workflow. The Staff Home page is composed of distinct tabs and panels of information that can lead to different actions. Select a link in the list that follows to learn more. 

Staff home page (no audio)


The Actions panel is on the right side of Staff Home. The actions that appear as options depend on your role.

The default action is to Issue a Referral. Selecting this lets you issue an ad hoc student referral. Staff only see the referral reasons for which they have permission. For more information about issuing referrals, read the Referrals article.


You may also be able to Upload a Profile PictureSelecting this link opens the Profile Picture dialog.

If you add a picture, the staff or faculty home profiles will let you remove the photo later. Photos must be at least 314 pixels wide and will be cropped to 314 x 314 pixels.

Automated photo imports do not override a photo you have uploaded yourself.


Quick Links

Quick Links provide access to different features within the platform, such as scheduling General Events, recording attendance, or tracking appointment campaigns. Clicking on a quick link opens different locations in Bulldog Connect.

Quick Links

Quick Links provide access to different features within the platform, such as scheduling General Events, recording attendance, or tracking appointment campaigns. Clicking on a quick link opens different locations in Bulldog Connect.



Upcoming Appointments

The Upcoming Appointments panel lets you see the three appointments coming up the soonest and manage those appointments by selecting the title of an appointment from the list.

Selecting an appointment's title opens the Manage Appointment, showing Appointment Details and letting you take various actions.









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